Passionate about modernization

I started with programming and development of IT systems for my customers at the age of 13. Today my systems serve hundreds of thousands requests on a daily basis and they help to increase productivity of dozens of companies in Czech republic and Slovakia.

I was born in an eastern part of Slovakia in a city called Presov. After finishing High school, I moved out to study at University of Economics, Prague. In the capital city of Czech republic, I continued expanding my IT knowledge, and I also implemented my development workflow into one company there. Nowdays, I live in Bratislava, from where I plan to expand globally in IT industry.

19.. - Born
First website
2012 - First website
First client
2013 - First client
Full Stack Developer
Full Stack Developer
Nolimit | Developers
2014 - 2017
Full Stack Developer
2017 - 2018 Full Stack Developer
E-solutions s.r.o
100+ projects
2019 - 100+ projects
2025 - Your story
Your story



In the backend I use PHP 7, MySQL 8 with the implementation of Laravel framework. About cache takes care Redis database and about bugless code Unit/Integration tests. In my projects, you can also find NodeJSSockets or WebRTC technology.

All apps are served by VPS build on Linux/Unix, which is redundant and geologically backed up by Rsync. For projects of large scale, I prefer AWS and CDN. Foundation of the all is GITCI/CD, but Docker is also nothing new to me.


HTML and CSS are the basics for me, which I delegate in these days. But I am willing to explain anyone, how it used to be before the age of Flex Box or 100% browser support of animations. I have a strong base with setting WebPack/Gulp, Sass and everything related to it.

JavaScript is number one for me. Primarily, I prefer to use Vue.js for my projects, but I also like React.js and Redux. I can't lie, that sometimes jQuery or VanillaJs are simply enough for a certain kinds of tasks.


Mobile apps for IOS and Android developed by me are hidden websites in WebView container. Thanks to that we can guarantee 100% compatibility on all platforms. In the past, I used to work with Crosswalk Project for better android compatibility with old devices.

I have also rich experience with React Native and Firebase. Android Java is nothing new to me, but I don't prefer it in my projects.

Soft skillsSoft skills

Among all projects, I take care of IT management, recruitment and, a cooperation of designers and programmers. I also oversee code quality and design in my team. My projects are based on SEO, Marketing and PPC powered by analysis from GTM and Analytics.

I am also experienced in giving presentations for audience of 100+ people, selling products or handling a new client.

Media wrote about me


SOČ 2017 - CrudAdmin

In countrywide competition with over 100+ attendance, I won first place in IT industry with my project CrudAdmin. The system increases productivity in the development of backend solutions. Also helps to design and build more complex software faster. Over 100+ successful projects are built on the top of this system, which is used in several companies in Czech and Slovak republic.

about project...

SOČ 2016 - MHD Prešov

The first time in this countrywide competition SOC in IT category, I won second place with my mobile application MHD Presov. An application helps people in my hometown how to navigate through public transport. Tens of thousands of people daily rely on the application data of schedules or GPS location of every bus in our city.

about project...

JuniorInternet 2016 - MHD Prešov

In competition JuniorInternet attendance from the whole country tries to present their projects and solutions with the best impact on helping people. I won first place in IT category with my project MHD Presov.

about project...

JuniorInternet 2015 - Bookario

My project Bookario, which is focused on hotel and pension management, successfully won the first place in IT category. The app solves problems with the administration of clients, reservations and the whole logistic process of hotel and pension management in Slovakia.